Skill up your Japanese through online
Learn Your Self
English-Japanese Vocabulary Quizzes
Here you can try hundreds of free online quizzes, exercises and puzzles to help your study of languages. This site is actually prepared by Internet TESL Journal for English learners (EFL) however, somehow you can exercise a lot of Japanese.
A Kansai dialect self study site. Once you lifted your skill up to intermediate or above level you may have been confused with regeonal dialect while watching TV program or movies on your own study. Especially Kansai ben (local dialect)...
Japanese in Anime & Manga

Have you ever imagined that if Japanese manga could be a skit for studying the language? The Japan Foundation, Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai provides the manga based material for your self learning. In fact, this is a good way to "power...
Erin's Challenge! I can speak Japanese

You shouldn't miss online video skit "Erin's Challenge" presented by Japan Foundation! You can learn Japanese and find out about Japanese culture in a fun way with lots of video skits, games and quizzes. I am not sure which media...
Rosa's Blog

Let me pick up Rosa's Blog from AJALT online activity. Ms. Rosa is a charactor on the text book that AJALT use officially. She introduces Japanese culture and customs through her 3 blogs in easy Japanese. Specifically, Rosa's Blog is...

Boaring with plain text to read and remenber the words? Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (AJALT) has developped an enjoyable learning materials with visual and audio, there are even some games to play! Try their...
JLPT Study Page
This powerful web site is a great effort of a personal learner. Mr. Woude has typed down passed exam of JLPT N5~N2 as much as he could find and listed up required vocabulary, grammer, kanji and expressions. These lists might be approximate guide (based...

What skill of Japanese language do you want to practice? NIHONGO eな has a wide collection of useful web site resources aiming for learning Japanese yourself. Search by categories which provided as reading, writing, speaking, listening,...
Learn Japanese with Free Japanese Lessons

You can learn your self with their web site which provides 10 lessons for beginers. Just open and read them. If you feel it works you may register the membership that gives you more benefits including free Japanese live lessons online!